Saturday, August 27, 2011

Hot Brass

Actually this post is unrelated to blacksmithing, but I wanted to post something.  This week was the first week of the marching band season for us at MSU. We had camp last Friday through Monday, and then our regularly scheduled rehearsals Wednesday and yesterday (Friday).  I really enjoy being in the marching band, and I"m honored that I'm the Drum Major, but it is really a stressful position at times. I wanted to just not do anything after rehearsal yesterday, just not even think (although then I was posed with a math puzzle that I've still not worked out... I'm pretty sure I'm overthinking it... like a lot) but I know that it'll be good for me in the end. How can I grow if I'm never stretched, right? "Perseverance produces character" after all, and character, hope, and I like hope.

I figured out why I'm bad a blogging, like, just now a moment ago. I don't even usually tell people what's going on in my life in real life; I just kind of go and do what I need, and I'll ask people about them and be there for them, but I rarely talk about my life, even to close friends. I'm just secret ninja like that.

Well until next time I get around to this, pretending I"m not a terrible blogger ;)
Romans 5

Wednesday, August 17, 2011