Monday, February 27, 2012

Beware False Prophets

"Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world." -1 John 4:1

I post this only that you can be warned, and have an idea of some of the things people are saying. This was a real, unedited (even my typos that I really want to change...haha) conversation I had through Youtube messages. It would seem he was messaging me based on my Minecraft videos in which I also talk about things of God. If you think I didn't handle this well at any point, I would love to hear your advice, as I'm under no illusion that I'm perfect. Oh, and just to clarify, I'm "Raleford".
FakeName Sent:
Thinking or commiting murder/rape/distuction/violence is againgst GOD IMHO. If you truly worship GOD you will detest evil in any form! in action or thought! Spirit is thought also ;) Media and games are thought :) sacrifice means you for sake all sin to do the work of GOD. He dosent like half a$$ers. which is why straight and narrow is the way. You are contredicting your self by playing thies games. You are following by following the media ;) GOD Bless You Amen! Shareing = work for GOD! 24/7
Raleford Sent:
I appreciate your overall point, but I disagree with much of your content. Paul talks about being all things to all people that some might be saved, but also about integrity and sensitivity to others' needs spiritually. I love gaming, as a culture, as an art, and it's what I grew up on. But I see so much pain, hurting, and confusion about God and life in the people in this culture and not a lot of people seem to be catering to them. And let's be honest, gaming culture isn't something which is easily come into late. My heart goes out to the lost gamers and I want to do what I can to reach them.
I admit that gaming (just like anything else, including fitness, music or even church) can potentially become an idol and I often have to take time off deliberately to refocus; however, I have not yet felt called to give up gaming entirely in my life. I pray that if I do I will have strength and faithfulness to do so, but for now I game, and if I game, I want to do so in a way that glorifies God to the best of my abilities. "Whatever you do, do for the Lord."
I am a little confused as to your actual beliefs, I will admit. The subject matter if your message was a bit inconsistent with the fact that you swore at me, and to confuse matters more, you reference God to me as a person (consistent with my understanding of reality) but based on your description on your page, you seem to be much more of a spiritualist than a deist.
Again thank you for your concern, and I truly would like to hear more of what you actually believe and why, and if you're interested I would be willing to share why I believe as I do, in the Christian God of the Bible.
- God bless
- Josh S.
FakeName Sent:
What swear? I'am speaking from expreince of beeing a gamer my self! All my freinds and me were lost! By playing thies games you are funding an agenda IMHO My actual belife is simple! GOD the creator of all IS the only Idol! Games take time away from GOD. Ever notice we are slipping away from each other? Games and screens are seperating us! This is by design ;) As long as the system owned by the beast can keep distracting us we will not do GOD's work! Mine craft or (Mind Craft) promotes Violence. So does Halo COD and the rest! It's starts out looking harmless while the level of sin get's stepped up a little at a time. Untill we are all shallow fake and alone. Games are an addiction just like drugs IMHO. This is why we sin. We become addicted to sin and it becomes our "false Idol". To think adultry and to commit it are one and the same. To wish or think to do somthing and to do it are the same. In Halo you are thinking about killing/death on others! It is a trick ;) satan is smart. We all want to do good at heart so he tricks us ;) If you want to make exscuses for your actions thats ok! you asked for opions, I was sent to give you one :) My advice is dont be a fence sitter! decide what side you are on. I was in heaven GOD speaks to me. My whole life is to help others. ppl are more asleep at the wheel than ever ;) Jesus Christ said things ppl didnt want to hear did he not? He had to shake ppl a little bit. Why? Cause ppl make excuses they want to do what they want. So they reframe the story. This is getting close to the end times. No more time for Games! I Love pray for and Bless you! I hope you get a chance to be in GOD's Kingdom and feel how Awsome it is! One thing I know you dont want to be is a Christan who does not listen and is blind. As the bible stated they will be the most punished off all. If GOD has not appeared to you and Jesus has not brought you to him. "have not been in Heaven" (I know you have not) As you are bound to material things.You are not yet chosen and have much work to do! GOD is angry at what we are doing to this world, and each other! If you dont want to listen to me thats ok ;) I plant seeds... your will is yours :) May GOD Almighty and Our Lord Jesus Christ Gide you to truth Amen!
Raleford sent:
I'm afraid you don't know me at all friend. I may not be perfect, but I assure you that I know the power of God to change a heart, and I know for a fact that I am chosen and called, that God has a plan for me and that I will indeed spend eternity in the glory of His presence. The Lord is faithful to the promises he makes and he promises that all who call on the name of the Lord Jesus will be saved, and there is no other name under Heaven given to men by which we must saved. I cannot work harder and earn salvation, for it is the grace of God that saves, not works, for our boasting means nothing on light of God. Jesus is the only way to God and I run to him as my source of life and breath and very being. The end is close, I agree, for it is always drawing nearer and there is no time or reason to live for anything but the Lord Jesus, but we are not called to live in uniformity, but in unity. I pray your legalism and search for self-awareness melt into the grace and love of a personal God and for a search for God awareness and a vision of humanity through his loving eyes, which see hurt and pain rather than disobedience.
You're right, Jesus did say many bold things, including warning against false prophets, but he also did something very bold. He paid for our sin. He gave his life as the nature of the universe required, as payment for the fine we owed. But then even more, he did not stay dead. Being in nature God who holds the keys of death and life, Jesus came to life again that we may have life, and life to the full, through the in who conquered death.
Remember that you CAN be absolutely certain of your salvation through Christ, you do not need to "earn" that salvation--in fact you can't earn it--and if anyone tries to tell you otherwise, take serious consideration before you trust anything else they say, and always test and approve the message based on the scriptures.