Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Fire is hot

Made a poker today, and did some work on my rake. I went to Menard's today and picked up some stuff for it too. I now have some goggles (I like to see) and some ear protection headphone things with a built in radio and an auxiliary jack for mp3 players and the like. Also, I picked up a piece of steel about 4'' by probably 10'' or 12'', I didn't really pay that close attention to the dimensions, and probably 1/8'' thick. maybe less, i dunno. but i'm hammering against that on the concrete, instead of directly on the concrete. It's still not great and kinda bounces around, but at least it keeps the rocks from getting ground in so much.

went through another 8lb bag of charcoal. I need to get my hands on some coal. I don't know if there's anyplace around here that I could easily get quantities of it, i might ask around, but if not I might just have to order some from like centaur forge, cuz those 6 dollar bags of charcoal go fast. In further news, I burned my finger and got a blister on my thumb from the hammer.

That is all.

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